Mural del Campo


Date: May 30, 2024

Mural del Campo is the background of Casa de Abuela and is a captivating portrayal of the Dominican countryside, meticulously crafted by three talented Dominican artists: Local artist Ramon Santiago, National artist Rigo Peralta, and International Artist Melanio Guzman. As you step into this space, you’re immediately greeted by this vibrant scene that transports you to the heart of rural Dominican life. Together, these three artists have created a scene that not only adorns the surroundings of Casa De Abuela but also serves as a tribute to the rich tapestry of Dominican heritage and culture. Mural Del Campo invites viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty and warmth of rural life, offering a glimpse into the soul of the Dominican countryside.

The mural titled “Life and Culture in the Dominican Republic” is a magnificent representation of agricultural activities and the symbiotic relationship between man and nature throughout the decades. This work vividly illustrates the journey from traditional farming methods, where manual labor and a deep connection to the land were paramount, to the modern era of agricultural technology and innovation. The mural’s intricate details and vibrant colors depict scenes of farmers working the land, embracing both the past and present techniques that have shaped the agricultural landscape of the Dominican Republic. Celebrating the country’s rich agricultural heritage, “Life and Culture in the Dominican Republic” underscores the enduring symbiosis between man and nature that has been fundamental to the development and prosperity of the Dominican countryside. This mural not only stands as a stunning piece of art, capturing the essence of rural life and the evolution of farming practices but also serves as a visual chronicle of agricultural progress. It is a source of inspiration for future generations, reminding them of the importance of preserving and advancing the harmonious relationship between humans and the natural world.

El mural “El Campo” en Casa De Abuela es un retrato cautivador del campo dominicano, meticulosamente elaborado por tres talentosos artistas dominicanos: Ramón Santiago, Rigo Peralta y Melanio Guzmán. Al entrar en Casa De Abuela, serás inmediatamente recibido por esta vibrante escena que te transportará al corazón de la vida rural dominicana. Juntos, estos tres artistas han creado una escena que no solo adorna los alrededores de Casa De Abuela sino que también sirve como tributo al rico tapiz de la herencia y la cultura dominicana. Mural Del Campo invita a los espectadores a sumergirse en la belleza y la calidez de la vida rural, ofreciendo un vistazo al alma del campo dominicano.