About Cristina:
Table Cloth
Ceramic Centerpiece
Teddy Bear
Drinking Cup
Acerca de los artículos:
Mantel como regalo de una hermana.
About Items:
Tablecloth as a gift from a sister
Cristina Fresolina, mejor conocida como “Fresa”, este apodo creo es que como mi padre era de Conztanza, en esa ciudad se cultiva mucho la fresa. Teve 8 hijos, solo me quedan 6 hijos , tengo varios nietos y bisnietos, tengo 79 anos, Mi secreto es que me he dado buena vida. Siempre he llevado una vida sana. Me caracterizo por se honesta, yo exhorto a no hablar la mentira, porque no haya nada oculto que no salga a la luz. Conservo mis principios biblicos , Trato de cuidarme fisicamente tambien porque creo en lo que dice la biblia el cuerpo es templo del espíritu santo. Mi casita tengo que estar reparando cosas que se deterioran. Mi dormitorio es en otra casita que tengo atrás. Este radio antiguo que es con lo que me entretengo.
Cristina Fresolina, better known as “Strawberry”, I think this nickname is because my father was from Conztanza, as strawberries are widely grown in that city.
My secret is that I have given myself a good life. I have always led a healthy life.
I am characterized by being honest, I urge you not to speak lies, so that there is nothing hidden that does not come to light.
I maintain my biblical principles. I also try to take care of myself physically because I believe in what the Bible says: the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
I have to be repairing things that deteriorate in my little house. My 2nd bedroom is in another little house behind me, i let my son sleep in my house. A rechargeable old radio is what I entertain myself with.