Luz Maria


Luz Maria's Work

About Luz Maria

Acerca de Luz:
Cuida a 2 nietos y es dueño de una tienda de comestibles.

About Luz:
Takes care of 2 grandchildren, owned a grocery store.

Black and White TV
Mosquito Net
Ceramic Artwork

Mrs. Luz, affectionately called Mary, has been living in Santa Rosa for 13 years. She lives with her husband and two grandchildren and also takes care of two more grandchildren. She supports herself by selling clothes that a cousin sends her. Previously, I worked in a company and I had a grocery store. She used black and white television.

La Sra. Luz, carinosamente la llaman Mary, ella tiene 13 años viviendo en Santa Rosa, vive con su esposo y dos nietos y adicional cuida a oreos dos nietos mas, Se sosteiene vendiendo ropa que le envia una primahermana. Anteriormente, trabajaba en una empresa y tuve un colmado. Ella usaba television blanco y negro.

Recorded Interview