7 nietos, se gana la vida vendiendo cerdos vivos
About Dominga:
7 grandchildren, sells live pigs for a living
3 Cooking Pots
1 Artwork (girl with splinter in foot)
Acerca de los artículos:
Dominga compró [la pieza] y la posee desde hace más de 40 años. Le encantaba la inocencia de esta niña en la obra de arte.
About items:
Dominga bought [the piece] and has owned for more than 40 years. She loved the innocence of this little girl in the artwork.
Dominga Contreras. Madre de 6 hijos. 7 Nietos. Vive en una casa humilde.Se dedica a cuidar a su familia y nietos. Mi nieta me ayuda a mantener organizada la casa. Parte de la decoración es cubrir las paredes con diferentes cortinas. Vende cerdos para mantener a su familia, cuando joven trabajo en Zona Franca, pero se retiro porque la querian trasladar a otra ciudad.
Dominga Contreras.
She lives in a humble house. She dedicates herself to taking care of her family and grandchildren. Her granddaughter helps her keep the house organized. Part of the decoration is covering the walls with different curtains.
She sells pigs to support her family. When she was young she worked in the Free Trade Zone, but she retired because they wanted to move her to another city.