Dona Mecho


Date: October 2, 2022


“Doña Mecho” / Mrs. Mecho

Doña Mecho Is a Dominican Grandmother from Constanza, a municipality of La Vega in the Dominican Republic. Costanza is a village on the mountains located in the highest elevation of the country. Doña Mecho was photographed by Juan Sangiovanni a few years ago.

In this wall we wanted to honor, through Doña Mecho, all our Latin American grandmothers. Although we understand the diversity of experiences that being a Latin American grandmother can mean, we found that Doña Mecho captured some common qualities of all grandmothers. She transmitted wisdom, patience and care. She is a tribute to that wisdom, to that invisible work of care that grandmothers have always provided us. With this wall we wanted to bring everyone closer to their own experiences of their grandma’s house . We also love the idea that this mural creates a new narrative in this space.